pqp.utils package


pqp.utils.exceptions module

exception pqp.utils.exceptions.CyclicGraphError

Bases: PQPException

Exception raised when a graph is cyclic

exception pqp.utils.exceptions.DomainValidationError

Bases: PQPException

Exception raised when domain is used with invalid values

exception pqp.utils.exceptions.InferredDomainWarning

Bases: PQPException

Warning raised when the domain of a variable is inferred from provided examples

exception pqp.utils.exceptions.NumericalError

Bases: PQPException

Exception raised when numerical methods fail

exception pqp.utils.exceptions.PQPException

Bases: Exception

Base class for exceptions in this module.

exception pqp.utils.exceptions.PositivityException

Bases: PQPException

Exception raised when a nonpositive distribution is used

exception pqp.utils.exceptions.UnitDomainWarning

Bases: PQPException

Warning raised when the domain of a variable has cardinality <= 1

pqp.utils.utils module

class pqp.utils.utils.attrdict

Bases: dict

Dictionary subclass which allows access to keys as attributes


Takes a graph (as dict from el to list of elem) and returns a list of elements such that for each edge (a, b) in the graph, a comes before b in the list


Recursive sorting of nested dicts, lists, and tuples–useful for semantic comparison

class pqp.utils.utils.staticproperty

Bases: staticmethod

Module contents