
pqp.symbols.create_literal(name, arity=1, sep=', ', name_tex=None, sep_tex=None)

Class factory for creating expression literals

Suppose you have a function f that takes a single expression as an argument and you want to use this function in a symbolic expression.

>>> F = create_literal("f")
>>> x = Variable("x")
>>> F(x)
>>> F(x).to_latex()
  • name (str) – The name of the new class

  • arity (int, optional) – The arity of the new class. Defaults to 1. Zero is allowed.

  • sep (str, optional) – The separator to use when printing the expression. Defaults to “, “.

  • name_tex (str, optional) – The name of the new class in LaTeX. Defaults to name.

  • sep_tex (str, optional) – The separator to use when printing the expression in LaTeX. Defaults to sep.


A new subclass of AbstractExpression