
pqp.refutation.entrypoint(step_name, result_class=<class 'pqp.refutation.result.Result'>)

Wrapper for logical steps in the assumption management system

  • step_name (str) – the name of the Step (human readable)

  • result_class (class) – used to store results of the Step, must be a subclass of Result


wrapper for functions implementing logical steps in an analysis

Return type:


This function returns a a decorator which can be used to wrap a method implementing a step, a Step instance is passed as a keyword argument (“step”) to the method and should be used to record substeps, assumptions, and results. The method should not return a value.

The three core constructs of the assumption management system are Assumption s, Step s, and Result s. A step is a logical unit of work encapsulated in a single method, which may be composed of multiple substeps. During the process of calculation, the method can report logical substeps, assumptions it is making, results as they are computed, and notes for the user. This information is consolidated into the Step object, which stores references to previous steps in the analysis in a graph representing the entire computation. This way, metadata about the computation is available at all times and can be used by both the user and automated sensitivity analysis tools.