
class pqp.graph.Graph(edges=[])

Bases: object

A causal graph

The best way to create a Graph is using the <= and & infix operators. When you use these operators between Variable s, they create a DirectedEdge or BidirectedEdge respectively.

Example: The Front-Door Model
>>> x, y, m = make_vars("xym")
>>> g = Graph([
...     m <= x,
...     y <= m,
...     y & x,
... ])
Example: The Back-Door Model
>>> x, y, z = make_vars("xyz")
>>> g = Graph([
...     y <= [x, z],
...     x <= z,
... ])

You can use the identify method to identify a causal estimand. The estimand can either be passed as an expression or as an instance of AbstractCausalEstimand, such as ATE or CATE.


>>> x = Variable("X")
>>> y = Variable("Y")
>>> g = Graph([
...     y <= x,
... ])
>>> g.identify(ATE([y], [x]))
P(y | x)

edges (list of DirectedEdge or BidirectedEdge) – the edges in the graph

Methods Summary


Adds an edge to the graph


Draws the causal diagram using networkx (must be installed).

Methods Documentation


Adds an edge to the graph


edge (DirectedEdge or BidirectedEdge) – the edge to add


Draws the causal diagram using networkx (must be installed).